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'New control ball valve is worth its weight in gold'
Manager of Technical Advice Dirk Bijlaart (left) and Managing Director Richard Daamen (right) of Belimo Servomotoren BV.

'New control ball valve is worth its weight in gold'  

Dynamic differential pressure control prevents discomfort, unnecessary energy consumption and noise complaints 

To reduce energy consumption in our buildings, more and more building owners are investing in additional insulation, solar panels and heat pumps. Dynamic differential pressure control can make all the difference here. "Especially in large buildings, we see that heat pump systems still too often run inefficiently," says Dirk Bijlaart, Manager of Technical Advice at Belimo Servomotoren BV. "For example, when the control bodies must continuously handle a (too) large pressure difference, discomfort, unnecessary energy consumption and noise complaints lurk. Our new Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 with dynamic differential pressure control offers a solution for this and could count on great interest from installers as well as building owners during VSK+E."

The Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 with dynamic differential pressure control is an intelligent addition to the existing Energy Valve. "Uniquely, our latest pressure-independent control ball valve can dynamically control pressure. Both at floor and rod level," Bijlaart said. "In addition, the valve is capable of keeping the differential pressure constant at a preset set point." The current Energy Valve already had numerous useful functionalities integrated into one unit, such as certified energy measurement (MID), electronic pressure independent control, a Delta T manager and IoT-based billing. "The latest Energy Valve version now adds dynamic differential pressure control. The unit can measure, (in)control, dynamically maintain constant differential pressure and monitor energy consumption. In addition, the valve 100% is shuttered."

The Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 can measure, (in)control, dynamically constant differential pressure and monitor energy consumption. In addition, the valve is 100% closing.

Great for RetroFIT+ projects

The Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 is ideally suited for the larger and complex utility buildings such as multi-story offices, hospitals and nursing homes where floor-by-floor or strangeto-strand pre-pressure control is recommended. "But the latest Energy Valve also scores high marks in buildings that need to be upgraded; so-called RetroFIT+ projects," Bijlaart believes. "In many existing buildings, the HVAC installations are outdated. Often the installations here are designed differently than their modern successors. In this case, when a central heat pump is installed, the distributor is modified but the delivery system is retained for the time being, the new Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 can be worth its weight in gold."

Fast and without major modifications

In such projects, the underlying system can be kept at a constant differential pressure quickly, without major plant engineering modifications and per descending group or strang. "This prevents the often fewer or unregulated control devices from having to handle a large differential pressure, resulting in poor Delta T and noise complaints." Because the Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 is an intelligent control device, data such as supply and return temperature, flow, glycol content, power, energy consumption and also differential pressure can be read into the building management system via common bus protocols or via the Cloud. For example, for remote monitoring and control, allowing even more optimization and (energy) efficient air conditioning. The Belimo Energy Valve™ 4.2 is available to order as of now. 

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