When you choose solar panels, you're not just going for high efficiency. Buying, installing and using them should also be a pleasant experience in every way. Without you having to look after them for a single moment. The Heino-based Dijkman Solar Energy and Dijkman Projects guarantee all this. Under the motto "Carefree profit from the sun", the two companies offer private customers and business clients respectively a complete carefree approach to the purchase of solar panels. Among other things, this is done with appropriate advice, top quality products and expert installation.
At Dijkman, they are making great strides on the solar front. The success is the logical consequence of the company's customer-oriented approach. Customization is always at the heart of this. "Together with the customer, our advisors look for the best solution during a personal meeting," says Hans Bosch, sales manager within Dijkman Solar Energy. "For example, we look at an optimal laying plan and go for the highest possible yield in every situation. Furthermore, we only work with first-class equipment, both for the solar panels and inverters and mounting materials. We only go for the very best."
Reference project private:
Installation of solar panels on a residential farm
On this beautiful farmhouse in Luttenberg, Dijkman Solar Energy installed fourteen solar panels. The Hyundai panels have a capacity of 430 Wp each and are connected to an inverter from SofarSolar. Thanks to the east-west orientation, maximum advantage is taken of the sun's rotation. As a result, the expected annual yield is 4,589 kWh.
Dijkman has everything to offer the private and commercial market, that much is clear. In addition to those already mentioned, private customers benefit additionally from a 20-year Zorgeloos warranty. And the business client also always sails on the safe side. Expert advice is the standard basis of the services and products offered by Dijkman Projects. The focus is always on a future-proof solution that fits perfectly with today's business operations. "Every company has a certain energy requirement from its own specific working environment," Bosch continues. "That is precisely what our solution must be based on. Regardless of whether it's the panels themselves, the charging stations or the energy management system. Only then will you achieve a nice piece of cost-efficient customization."
Reference project business:
Installation of solar panels - The Pearl Elementary School
In Drachten, Dijkman Projects installed no less than 228 solar panels on this brand new school building. Longi solar panels with 415 Wp and two inverters from SMA were used. The installation will generate approximately 85,000 kWh per year. "During the collaboration, we were obviously involved from A to Z," Bosch said. "After the solar panels were installed, the inverters were connected and everything worked, the project was delivered according to standards. After the scope inspection, we handed over the documentation so that there were no surprises for both the contractor and the end customer."
To get the customer requirements and other important issues clear, Dijkman puts the necessary effort into the preliminary process. "Before we start, a structural calculation must be made, showing that the roof can support the weight of solar panels," Bosch said. "In addition, we would like clear answers to three important questions. What kind of connection does the customer have? Can he feed back the extra energy generated? Has the intended purchase of solar panels been discussed with the insurer? Once all that is in order, carefree enjoyment can begin."