R-Vent views a building as a human body, with the air ducts as an important component. That is the vessel system. Specializing in air ducts, R-Vent provides solutions for the total issue, including ducts, fans and valves. With three production locations in the Netherlands and an experience center, you have come to the right place with your ventilation issue.
R-Vent manufactures and supplies air ducts of various materials, shapes and sizes, but we also supply WTWs and air handling units. Round, rectangular, oval and flexible ducts. From steel and plastic to enormously durable materials. We produce most of these ourselves and for the matching products we work together with manufacturers.
R-Vent not only supplies products, but also offers with project support. We think along with engineering and support by delivering products prefabricated with our own logistics network. Your ventilation problem? We have the answer!
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